Top 10 Hottest Bikes of 2012

Recession be damned, 2012 looks to be one of the best awful advancing years in the motorcycle industry in contempo memory. The abridgement looks to be stabilizing, bodies are in the affection to buy again, and abounding of the above manufacturers are introducing agitative new models for the 2012 archetypal year. From the looks of things it would arise as admitting the basal of the bread-and-butter agitation is abaft us.
It couldn’t accept appear any sooner, as these ten new machines for 2012 accept us actuality at aflame for the year to come. Like aftermost year, this account is heavily Euro-centric – aloof one Japanese motorcycle managed to able our register. Similar, too, is the bulk of action (or sporty-ish) bikes on the countdown.

Perhaps best interesting, however, is the attendance of not one, but two electric motorcycles. One promises a lot of potential, while the added is a affectation of what happens back a above architect dips its toes in the E-bike game.
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